BMW I3  gps tracking

BMW I3 GPS Tracking

Track your I3 for free and visualize it on map

Produced from: 2013
Produced to:

How to track your favourite BMW - model I3 in realtime for free ?

Producer remarks about this particular model

BMW already in March 2013 years had hundreds of orders to paid advances i3 model. The first pre-production model i3 slammed off the production line in January of that year. Serial production and sales began in November 2013., And in October it was model over 8 thousand. the reservation. Plans for 2014 amounted to 10 thousand. pieces, but to a much greater interest in the model, in April 2014 after manufacture approx. 5 000 units, it was decided to increase production to 20 thousand. units per year (per day from 70 to 100 pieces), and thus estimate the end of 2014 on the road should be moved about 20-25 thousand. i3 models.

Our product description

We are offering you completely free of charge our GPS car tracking solution in real time. The only thing you need to do is to install smartphone with Android inside your vehicle with our awesome application on board

If you want to track your BMW I3 in real time you have to do the following :


1. Download Free Car Tracking Application for I3 application from Google Play

2. Create free account on (for example johndoe) - here is detailed instruction

3. Define Device endpoint  for each vehicle you want to track - give friendly name of your I3   and PIN (some random will be provided - you can change it if you want)

4. Run SpySat mobile application on the smartphone and type there your LOGIN from SpySat (ex. johndoe) and PIN (from point 3.)

5. Install your smartphone inside the car

6. Enjoy watching position of your car at site.

7. Provide stable power supply - spysat app consumes some energy.

Best options to install smartphone inside BMW I3

To permanently mount a smartphone inside your BMW i3, follow these steps:

1. Choose a suitable mounting bracket or adhesive film for the back of your phone. Make sure it's compatible with your phone and the surface you're mounting it on.
2. Clean the area where you want to mount your phone using a microfiber cloth and isopropyl alcohol. Ensure that the surface is dry before proceeding.
3. Apply the mounting bracket or adhesive film to the back of your phone, making sure it's centered and level. Allow it to fully adhere to your phone for at least 30 seconds.
4. Connect your phone directly to the BMW i3's battery using a USB cable with an OBD II adapter (if available). If you don't have an OBD II adapter, you can use a regular USB cable, but keep in mind that it won't provide a direct connection to the battery and may result in reduced performance.
5. Download and install our free GPS Tracker app from [website URL]. This app allows you to monitor your BMW i3's location and perform various functions such as geofencing, speed limits, and remote lock/unlock.
6. Once installed, launch the GPS Tracker app and connect it to your phone via Bluetooth. The app will automatically detect your device and start tracking your BMW i3's location.
7. Use the GPS Tracker app to set up any preferences or features you want for your car model. Consider factors such as battery life, temperature settings, and other parameters that may affect performance.
8. For maintenance tips, refer to the [website URL] where we regularly update our resources with useful information.
Remember, it's essential to follow all safety guidelines when working on your vehicle, and always consult your car's manual before making any modifications or adjustments.

Users opinions and questions

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does the BMW i3's electric motor range and regenerative braking system contribute to its overall energy efficiency, and what steps are taken by our service centers for optimal performance and maintenance?

The BMW i3 is a fully electric vehicle that offers exceptional energy efficiency due to its electric motor range and regenerative braking system. The electric motor range allows the vehicle to run purely on electricity, reducing fuel consumption and emissions. This contributes to the overall energy efficiency of the car as it reduces the need for fossil fuels and minimizes environmental impact.
The regenerative braking system in the BMW i3 helps recover kinetic energy during deceleration and converts it into electrical energy that is stored in the vehicle's battery. This not only extends the range of the car but also reduces wear on the brake pads, further enhancing energy efficiency.
Our service centers take various steps to ensure optimal performance and maintenance for the BMW i3. They conduct regular inspections of the electric motor, battery, and charging system to identify any potential issues. This includes checking for any signs of wear or damage in the electric motor, assessing the battery health, and ensuring that the charging system is functioning properly.
In addition to routine maintenance, our service centers also provide specific services tailored to electric vehicles such as software updates, tire pressure checks, and belt inspections. These services help maintain the vehicle's performance and efficiency while also extending its lifespan. Overall, the BMW i3's energy-efficient design paired with regular maintenance at our service centers ensures that it remains an eco-friendly choice for drivers.

What are the key differences between the 2014, 2016 and 2018 model year specifications of the BMW i3 electric car regarding range, battery capacity and charging capabilities?

The BMW i3 has seen some changes in its specifications from the 2014, 2016, and 2018 model years. Here are the key differences regarding range, battery capacity, and charging capabilities for each model year:
2014 Model Year:
- Range: The 2014 BMW i3 had a claimed range of 81 miles on a single charge.
- Battery Capacity: It featured a 22 kWh lithium-ion battery pack.
- Charging Capabilities: The vehicle could be charged using a standard 120V outlet or a 240V Level 2 charger.
2016 Model Year:
- Range: BMW increased the range of the 2016 i3 to 114 miles on a single charge due to the introduction of the optional Range Extender (REx) version which uses a small gasoline engine to generate electricity when needed. The base model still had an 81 mile range, however.
- Battery Capacity: BMW introduced a larger 33 kWh battery option for the 2016 model year, in addition to the standard 22 kWh battery.
- Charging Capabilities: The vehicle could be charged using a standard 120V outlet or a 240V Level 2 charger. The optional DC Fast Charging capability was also introduced, allowing for an 80% charge in around 30 minutes to 60 minutes, depending on the charging station's capabilities.
2018 Model Year:
- Range: The 2018 BMW i3 with the 42 kWh battery had a claimed range of 153 miles on a single charge. The base model with the 22 kWh battery still had an 81 mile range.
- Battery Capacity: BMW introduced a larger 42 kWh battery option for the 2018 model year, replacing the previous 33 kWh option.
- Charging Capabilities: The vehicle could be charged using a standard 120V outlet or a 240V Level 2 charger. The optional DC Fast Charging capability was also still available, allowing for an 80% charge in around 30 minutes to 60 minutes, depending on the charging station's capabilities.
In summary, while the range and battery capacity have increased over the years, the charging capabilities have remained relatively consistent across all three model years. The introduction of the Range Extender version in the 2016 model year allowed for a significant increase in range for those who needed it.

Can you explain the advantages of the BMW i3's carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) body structure compared to traditional materials and its impact on the overall driving experience?

Sure, I can definitely help you with that. The BMW i3 is a pioneering electric car that utilizes a unique carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) body structure, which sets it apart from other cars in the market. Here are some advantages of using CFRP for the BMW i3:
1. Lightweight: One of the most significant advantages of using CFRP is its lightweight nature. A CFRP body is much lighter than a traditional metal body, reducing the overall weight of the car. This not only improves fuel efficiency but also enhances acceleration and handling. In the case of the BMW i3, the carbon fiber body allows it to achieve an impressive range of up to 260 miles on a single charge.
2. Strength: CFRP is incredibly strong and rigid, providing better structural integrity than traditional materials like steel or aluminum. This means that the BMW i3 can withstand higher impact forces without compromising its safety. In fact, the i3 has earned top marks in crash tests and has been awarded a 5-star rating by Euro NCAP.
3. Aerodynamics: The sleek design of the CFRP body allows for improved aerodynamics, reducing air resistance and improving fuel efficiency or energy consumption in electric cars like the BMW i3. This not only helps to extend the range but also contributes to a smoother and more comfortable ride.
4. Eco-friendliness: The production of CFRP uses fewer raw materials than traditional materials, resulting in lower CO2 emissions during manufacturing. Additionally, CFRP is recyclable, which helps to reduce waste and promote sustainability.
In terms of the overall driving experience, the BMW i3's CFRP body structure contributes to a smooth and responsive drive. The lightweight nature of the car allows for quick acceleration and agile handling, while the improved aerodynamics result in a quieter and more comfortable ride. Additionally, the strength of the CFRP body provides peace of mind to drivers, knowing that their vehicle can withstand higher impact forces.
In summary, the BMW i3's carbon fiber-reinforced plastic body structure offers significant advantages over traditional materials, including its lightweight nature, strength, improved aerodynamics, and eco-friendliness. These features contribute to a smoother and more comfortable driving experience, as well as enhanced safety and performance.

How does the regenerative braking system in a BMW I3 contribute to its impressive all-electric range of 153 miles?

The regenerative braking system in a BMW i3 plays a crucial role in contributing to its impressive all-electric range of 153 miles. This system recovers energy that would typically be lost during braking and uses it to charge the battery, thereby increasing the vehicle's overall driving efficiency. With this technology, the i3 can recover up to 90% of the energy normally wasted during braking, which helps to extend its range and reduce the need for frequent charging. This regenerative braking system is just one example of how advanced engineering is helping to push the boundaries of electric vehicle technology, making it a more practical and appealing option for drivers today.